It all begun on May 24, 2015.

The idea of Life-Light Missions was conceived in May 24, 2015. The activities then begun with two members with involvement in High School Ministry. The Lord put it in their hearts to establish a team that will be involved in the works of Ministry.

The following year, the team increased in numbers to 8, with another high school ministry being conducted. The team partnered with Kisii University Christian Union Evangelistic Team to hold a one week mission in Nyandarua County in December of the same year.

In January 2017, their vision had become even clearer: to Reach out to the lost with the Gospel of Christ, Teach all believers in the Truth of the Word and Train and equip them for the ministry of Christ throughout Kenya and the world.

They developed programs that would aid them in fulfilling this mandate and the implementation followed forthwith. The Lord was gracious and added to their numbers significantly. It was after the activities of this year that the formation and registration of the organization was initialized.

The organization has seen growth and and success in it’s activities over the years. The activities include: Evangelism, Discipleship, High School Ministry, Mentorship, Training, Youth Empowerment, Support for the Needy.